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Crystal Therapy

The first time I was introduced to crystals was with a birthday gift that my son got from a friend when he was in the third grade, that was 31 years ago. It was a small Carnelian crystal. The moment I touched it I felt a strong energy swirling from it to me and I knew that I have to try and understand more about it. It was love at first sight. I never stopped using, collecting and touching crystals ever since. I include crystals in every treatment that I do and they are an integrative part of my Clinic and Holistic Center.

For thousands of years humans used, knowingly or unknowingly, minerals in order to improve health, either with herbs or crystals or both.

Legends speak about a very old civilization named Atlantis, that developed crystal technology to a very high level while using it as a life source. It was claimed that they have successfully managed to use this energy for both healing (cure) and technology. It was also said that the people of Atlantis developed a medical system based on crystals, flower extracts and homeopathy.

In the Indian tradition the Shamans were responsible for the spiritual and physical state of the tribe. They used different kinds of crystals as part of their spiritual and healing rituals relating to the fact that they have energy fields, which they could use for the good of the tribe, and therefore, crystals have a great part in their tradition. The most common crystal they used was Quartz (in different versions- Jewelry, rods, tools etc.).

Scientifically – some facts
Crystals played important roles in scientific discoveries that introduced the revolution in our attitude to the structure of consciousness and the universe itself. For instance, the Ruby crystal was the main component in the first laser that was developed by scientists in the Bell Lab in the beginning of the 60’s. Laser and its usage to create holograms led to the development of the holographic model. Karl H. Pribram and other nerve experts used energetic interference patterns, as expressed in holography, to explain certain aspects of memory storage in the brain.

Studies on laser integration and holographic technology in data storage have found new ways to exploit crystals. Almost 20 years ago, Phillips’ research labs in Hamburg, Germany, recorded a holographic film on a lithium-niobate crystal. This created a huge potential for data storage.

Quartz crystals are a complex of silicon dioxide and therefore, they are a very important component in many electronic systems. Moreover, crystals from basic silicon are the main component in computers and solar devices.

The concept of long-distance energy transfer was developed by a specialist in electrical matters named Nikola Tesla in the early 20th century. His development was also used to create the Tesla car.
As you can see even science admits, in its own way, that crystals are special and that they can actually transfer energy from them into us, humans.

Crystals are minerals found within the earth that man has chosen to use in different ways, with the understanding that each mineral produces a type of energy, but without real awareness and recognition of what they can truly do.

Each kind of crystal carries inside of it its own characteristics, therefore, is used for different kinds of treatments. A good Healer can channel their energy to the most needed part in the body, mind and spirit of the patient, in order to help him/her recover and heal or at least elevate their physical state.

There is no doubt that crystals are all around us and within our reach without us knowing it; in their raw beautiful state, as polished gems embedded in a jewel or as part of the technology we use. Some people put them in different categories, some divide and use them by their color as part of the Chakra teachings, some may say that each one of us has a certain crystal that represents the month/year we were born, but undeniably, people do relate to crystals in their everyday lives both knowingly and unknowingly. 

I believe that a lot of the times the crystal chooses you, in your time of need or as a life-long companion, if you feel drawn to a certain one take it, it might just help you create the change you need in your life.